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Spot the dragon: New Look, New Platforms

I'm trying something new over on the site, and moving my books wide!

For the longest time, I've enjoyed being a part of Kindle Unlimited and allowing readers to find my books as a part of their program, but after long consideration, I'm happy to say that my books will be moving over to the other retailers too.

KU versus Wide

Every author has to consider what works best for them, but one reason I'm going wide is because I am also launching my own shop, where you can directly support the art, and receive exclusive extra content, as well.

But that is only part of it.

Rankstripping/anti sex Trafficking laws

I don't know if you all have heard about the recent rank stripping and all taking place online for different books. Right now, it is really hitting the contemporary romance and some fantasy romance books (even those that do not have explicit sex in them). As such, I am really going to push ahead in creating my own bookstore, and potentially also a subscription-based book club (like on Patreon), where you can support the art directly.

As many of you remember, the Kay books had been placed in the curtained-off room (in Erotica previously), and luckily, after checking, we were able to get those books back to where they could be found, but that is only one thing that is happening.

I don't know what this will mean for writers here in America, as it borders on censorship at the worst, and right now, all platforms are broadly stripping ranks, hiding books etc because of an anti-sex trafficking law.

When a book is hidden, that means that it is undiscoverable, and therefore, readers are unable to find it. What this then means is that many authors are going to lose their livelihood with this new censorship.

And let's be honest: I am afraid that some of my books might be pulled, as well, as some have on the page sex, and at least one of them actually deals with human trafficking.

I've spoken with many friends today, and some are so disheartened and thinking of quitting, others are unsure of how to proceed. I'm nowhere near giving up this dream.

With this in mind, I created a Patreon page, which will be like a subscription-based book club.

In the coming days, I will continue to add to my own shop so that you can buy directly from me, as well. This will include the Dragon series, which is coming out of KU, and the soon to be published Hell Chronicles.

The market is in a shake-up right now for sure. I don't know how things will change for me, my business plan and all going forward, but I thank you all for joining me on this journey.

Do you have any questions?

I will do my best to answer them!

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