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Have you had a life changing moment? You know that one moment you can pinpoint and say: This is when my life changed?

A Dragon's Destiny (awesome book cover)

I can usually pin point those moments.

For me, time slows down, and it is almost like I can see the change happening.

When I was younger, living and studying in Israel, I had the most amazing time listening to my friends strumming their guitars on the corner signing, "Pharaoh, let my people go." The crowd was at least 5 deep, and the joy was in abundance. People of all ages, ethnicities and colors found something to unite over, and for that moment, we had a great reprieve. We weren't worried about suicide bombings or any other sort of attack -- to be quite honest, I think we even forgot about the soldiers in the near, as they danced and enjoyed the music with us.

Like many of my travels, this experience is on that always does my soul good. Why you ask? Simple: because in that crowd I could be me. It was one of the first times I'd embraced myself (I mean, let's be honest, at 18 we're adults, but it takes us until our mid-twenties to figure out this whole being an adult thing). In this foreign country, I came face to face with Tina, and boy was I happy for the chance to get to know her.

This was my spark of learning about me, and far away from home, in a strange land, I didn't feel like much of a stranger at all.

Have you had a moment like that where you get to meet yourself? It's like peeling back the layers of an onion and seeing what's beneath. For me, I think this experience helped to pave the way for me to one day have an email to write (LOL), but also a way of showing my heart.

When we walk in freedom, and embrace ourselves, come what may we'll never dance in the dark again.

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.”―Buddha

I choose to think and live in freedom, embracing the love that rests within my heart for myself (because it is only by loving myself that I can give and share love). And it might not have always been that way -- I hated middle school, but today, despite how the world looks, from my perch, and in my mirror, I still see the love that keeps me going.

May you be encouraged to walk in love this week. To have love for self is one of the most precious of gifts that you can receive.

You are special!

Magic. Myths. Might! The Dragon Series

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